22 Talk How You Please!

Leslie Ramirez

When you are creating a piece of writing, the first couple thoughts are, “How should I sound?”, or “What should be my tone of voice?”. Many believe that we should sound professional and have a deep, strong voice. This wastes time wondering how we want the readers to understand our voice when reading our pieces of work. Should writers spend lots of time trying to search for an original voice when developing a new piece of writing? This thought may take up too much time and I can understand why writers may want their voice to sound strong and original. However, talk (or should I say write) how you please! If you are having trouble trying to get that strong voice, just start writing how you’re feeling. Writers should understand that their work is THEIR WORK. You can sound however you want. The purpose of this is to have readers feel what you feel, see what you see. Trying to develop that strong, original voice may sound perfect for you, but to others… not so much. They may understand your work as a professional, monotone robot. Honestly, the tone in your voice when you write should be however you want it to be! Such as if you want to sound silly, go for it. If you want readers to be in suspense, make it happen! Us writers cannot only depend on having a strong, deep voice because the actual story may or may not follow the tone of voice.

When I have read anything in my life, I refuse to read something where the author sounds very monotone or having that feeling when they want their voice to sound a specific way. There is power in an author’s voice therefore, they should not worry about how their voice may sound. Your work is already meaningful. There is already power in your work because you’ve spent countless hours trying to make it perfect. We have spent lots of time in school trying to have our writing pieces perfect. Such as, correct grammar, not having run on sentences, not starting sentences with “And” and “But”. Therefore, we have that struggle in trying to keep that an ongoing thing, which conflicts with even trying to start.

You would want anything you receive to sound the way that it should, not completely different. For example, a letter from a long lost friend who moved away from your town, should sound either exciting or maybe, a bit of sadness. You haven’t spoken to that person in a really long time, therefore, when writing the letter, you want to sound excited or when a bit sad because you are finally reaching out to that person. Therefore, you would not want to write with such a deep voice that readers will have trouble trying to understand what your feelings are.

However, depending on what has to be written, as in the concept or who it is for, you will have to write with a strong, deep voice, Such as writing a letter to a boss or a thankful letter to an employer who hired you. You will then want to make sure that the voice is strong and deep therefore, to keep it business like with them. If I were to write a Thank You letter to my employer, I would want my voice to sound strong whereas, I am expressing my joy and how appreciative I am, but want them to see this is all as professionals. So, one should know when to have that strong, deep voice developed.

All in all, you should write and talk how you please and not worry about having that deep voice developed. Writing should be expressed freely and not spend too much time trying to sound like a monotone robot. Spending too much time trying to develop this tone of voice, will throw off the writer as well as the reader. In a way that when the writer is struggling to develop a deep voice, it will cause them to create poor writing. Then will lead to the readers confused on what they are reading. Having that open and free mindset when heading onto a paper, it will sound much better to readers as they will know what your thoughts are. The ball is in your court. You are in control. Talk how you please!


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