

further information given to someone from the source of writing


the ability to produce an effect through your own actions

binary system

a method used to represent data using 0s and 1s. Used by computers to represent data. The base of all computing systems.


When someone is said to have acted/spoken improperly and is ostracized or shunned, often by social media.


Any instruction given to a computer in order for it to complete a task


a specific piece of text that is assumed to be understood by the reader, without explanation


A certain piece of text displayed to catch the eyes of the reader


Refers to any form of information, entertainment, or communication that is created and distributed through digital technologies and platforms. This can include text, images, audio, video, and interactive elements, such as social media posts, blogs, podcasts, streaming videos, mobile apps, and online games.


small text files with data used by web servers to save browsing information.


Stands for Cascading Style Sheets; allows one to better control the presentation and visual style of a web document.


electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data into two terms: positive and non-positive

digital agency

individuals having and maintaining control over their decisions and actions in the digital world

digital footprint

The trail of data left by a user while using the internet. Includes everything from social media posts to what sites someone visits.

Digital literacy

the ability to use information and  communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.

digital rhetoric

Most simply defined as the application of rhetorical theory (as analytic method or heuristic for production) to digital texts and performances.


content that catches the audience's attention (with clicks, choices, or other exciting things) but the content doesn't change based on what the audience does


Stands for HyperText Markup Language; the standard language used to create web documents.


the amount of given information on a piece of writing


the authors purpose behind the writing piece


content being changed based on feedback provided by the audience of the content.


(per Merriam-Webster) the complex interrelationship between a text and other texts taken as basic to the creation ot interpretation of the text


(per Merriam-Webster) to unite by twining one with another

late age of print

This current point in time in which print exists in both digital and physical spaces.


to have knowledge and/or proficiency in a certain area or topic
competence and understanding written language; encompasses the skills and knowledge needed to effectively communicate, comprehend, and engage with written texts in various contexts

Marshall McLuhan

Canadian philosopher who studied media theory


The technology or platform through which communication occurs


New media texts are composed of discrete units and can be combined into larger objects without losing their independence.


(per Merriam-Webster) to steer a course through a medium


the cultural and communicative practice that rely primarily on spoken language rather than written texts


the foundation for building and running applications


(per Merriam-Webster) something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function


delivering impressions to a piece of material to document

Procedural rhetoric

Messaging communicated through a process or procedure


the transition from old technologies to new ones with the implication that the new and improved is the better or more reliable option
the process of adapting and transforming written content from traditional print formats to digital formats and platforms. Involves the translation, repurposing, or enhancement of written texts

search engine

a program that identifies items in a database that correspond to key words or characters specified by the user, used to find particular sites


categorizing pieces of text in genres

user agency

making informed decisions based on interactions with digital technologies and services


Also related to terms such as mutable and liquid, variability represents the non-fixed nature of new media.

visual rhetoric

(Per Montgomery College) visual rhetoric is the use of visual images to communicate meaning. It is also important to note that visual rhetoric is not just about superior design and aesthetics. It is also about how culture and meaning are reflected, communicated, and altered by images.

Web agency

individuals and businesses choosing to navigate and interact with their own website

Writing as a discourse

the study and analysis as a form of communication or writing has rhetoric; examines how written language is used to convey meaning, express ideas, and engage with different types of audiences

writing space

the physical or conceptual environment in which writing activities occur; involves the surroundings, tools, and conditions that influence and shape the act of writing


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