1 Agency

Angela Adase

A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash


Agency is defined as ““the ability to produce an effect through your own actions” (Kim, Page 5). It can be displayed through the use of digital devices, users, and the web as a form of digital representation. Agency allows individuals to take control of plans, desires, and carry out the actions necessary to accomplish certain goals. With every decision that is made, it can have either a positive or negative effect on the outcome. The use of agency allows businesses and individuals to choose who they want to engage with, and the kind of information they would like to display, and how they choose to display certain information.It can also encourage positive changes to online platforms such as business websites, social media pages, and online advertising. With that, agencies tend to display the use of power and influence to draw public attention to promote business in the digital world. However, this term also challenges itself as it comes with the idea of privacy settings, securing online identity, and digital citizenship. This is a term that can be broken down into subtopics to display the meaning using different examples. In this chapter, the definition of agency will be expanded upon using digital, user and agency on the web. It is a crucial concept for things such as web design, digital marketing, and making decisions in the digital world. All of the aspects come together to understand the use of technology, and to ensure a safe online presence. Web agencies are also designed as services used to help create digital platforms for businesses. These digital platforms can be used to promote business websites to help achieve their goals of becoming a successful business.The overall idea is to understand the meaning of agency and how it applies to everyday life examples that are not automatically thought about.

Review Question

What is agency? How can agency be a challenging concept to understand?

Digital Agency

The idea of digital agency is the concept of individuals having and maintaining control over their own decisions and actions in the digital world. It focuses on how both individuals and businesses make decisions to communicate in the digital world.It also states the idea of how these decisions can be influenced by the use of digital requirements such as privacy settings. Digital agency is not only used for business purposes, but also for personal purposes. Think of some daily activities that occur online? For example, online banking, online shopping, social media use, online education websites used for classes. With online banking, each individual is given the opportunity to make their own login information, username and password. This allows your account information including money balances to be protected. Managing financial information, requesting information and assistance when needed, and making secure transactions. The use of online banking takes away from actually going to the bank to make all of these transactions. However it gives individuals the sense of security, knowing that online transactions can be safely made. Online shopping allows access to your own account to keep track of purchases, favorite clothing that you intend to purchase. It also gives the ability to make your own decisions with purchases based on reviews. Social media lets you manage your own privacy setting (private or public account), decide on followers, what content to share, who can tag you in posts, who can post on your timeline (for example, facebook).  Online education  is what most colleges use for assistance with learning to outline the course. This is important for the quality of information provided for students to have and understand. This digital agency allows students to interact with their professors through direct messaging and emails. This also provides access for students to turn in assignments online, where they are safely kept for professors to grade and provide feedback.

Review Question

What are the positive effects of digital agency? The negative effects?

User Agency

This type of agency refers to the ability of making informed decisions based on interactions with digital technologies and services. It engages others in the concept of individuals being responsible for their own actions online, respecting the property rights and online privacy settings of the individual website. Social media is another example for user agency as well. There are many different social media platforms to choose from. Users can choose their platform based on their features and privacy settings. There are some social media apps that allow individuals to express their thoughts and opinions, without consequences. Digital tools are also something that allows for users to have control over their technological decisions. Users have the option to use a browser of their choice, email, and word processor of their choice. For example when it comes to class assignments, students are given the opportunity to use word processors such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word. When making presentations, slides, sites, and powerpoint are options available. When exploring options for different browsers, always review the privacy settings to make sure your information is kept as safe as possible. Privacy settings are a big factor when it comes to making any online decision. For social media you can control your own privacy settings, making the safest decisions for your own accounts. Proper understanding of these settings is important for personal information to be kept from third parties. Instagram and Facebook accounts are hacked everyday due to lack of privacy knowledge. It is important to always be aware of the privacy and security abilities when using social media.

Review Question

How do social media platforms influence user agency?

Agency on the Web

This is an agency that works with companies to develop and maintain their websites. Web agency takes on the role of website services such as: design, content, SEO, web development, and maintenance. However agency on the web can also mean that individuals choose to navigate and interact with their own websites. Privacy and security settings also play a role with agencies on the web because it allows individuals to control their own settings. The web also offers businesses and individuals to establish digital presence and digital marketing strategies. Social media plays an important role in the marketing aspect of this agency. Users can promote their social media on their websites, where potential customers can view more content. One example of a web agency is different forms of entertainment such as streaming services. Netflix and Hulu are services that come with multiple privacy settings. These platforms also display a great amount of content, and are accessible on many devices. Communication apps are another example of web agencies as they allow for more convenient ways to communicate with others. It is clear that in today’s society, Facetime is the most popular form of digital communication. This is a way for people to talk, while also being able to see each other. Facetime also presents  the ability to communicate with others in different locations and time zones. While this concept may not always be clear, there are plenty of everyday life examples that display agency.

Review Question

What are some other everyday life examples that define agency on the web?


Overall, agency is an important aspect that has become increasingly important in the digital world. It is important to have a clear understanding of agency and privacy, and how each service provides different settings. When creating a website of your own, it is clear to review and understand the use of your own privacy settings. Businesses are able to collaborate with web agencies to generate effective websites to display for customer use. Individuals are also able to work with web agencies to make websites for small businesses, such as photography and jewelry making services. Without agency, users would have limited control with online experiences, and minimal website use. Businesses would struggle to have efficient websites filled with content to boost services. It would also be challenging to be involved in the digital world, as digital marketing would decrease. Privacy settings would not be in place, making it easy for personal information to be leaked. It is important for agencies to be recognized in the digital world, and to understand how privacy is connected to it.

Review Question

Why is it important for agencies to have effects when it comes to digital marketing and the digital world?

Discussion Questions

  1. Describe agency in your own words. How can agency be balanced with responsibility and accountability?
  2. Can agency be misunderstood? Can there be too much agency?
  3. How can agency be taught / learned? What are some other examples of agency in everyday life?


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