8 Intertextuality

Leah Boonstra

How can we define intertextuality? It comes off as a big word with a really complex meaning. It’s even hard to say. Bear with me as we define and relate intertextuality to things that we do everyday. Intertextuality is used in many different ways and we don’t even realize. We practice intertextuality daily. In a book written by Doug Eyman, called “Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice,” he dedicates an entire chapter to defining intertextuality. He talks a lot about intertextuality in online environments. Intertextuality is necessary in order to navigate through a computer or cell phone. Older generations rely heavily on intertextuality when using different forms of technology to communicate with others. An analogy we can use to better help understand intertextuality is a rope. Many different strings are intertwined together to create a rope. A rope has multiple different purposes, but without the different strings that make up the rope, it would not be able to perform the job of a rope. Similar to the rope, intertextuality uses different pieces to get one job, or a variety of jobs complete.

Review Question

What is intertextuality?

Let’s Start From the Beginning

In grade school there is a set curriculum that teachers are mandated to follow. In kindergarten you learn things like letter sounds and small, basic words. In first grade you use the letter sounds and small words that you learned previously to help you understand a little more complex words. For example a word you might learn in kindergarten is door. In first grade you would learn something more complex, like doorframe. This is also used in other subjects like math. You start with simple addition and subtraction, and as you get older you learn more complex things like algebra and geometry. Without the prior knowledge of these subjects, the more complex things would be impossible. We see this happen all throughout school. Actually, this is necessary for a lot of things in life. All throughout school we learn about different subjects to help us advance in our academic careers. Once we advance through elementary school, middle school, and high school, some people decide to move on to college. College is very strict with prerequisite classes. A lot of advanced classes are not able to be taken unless previous classes are taken. It is necessary to complete the prerequisite classes in order to gain information and proper knowledge for the next class. Another example of this is completing the necessary steps in order to drive successfully. Everyone in New Jersey is required to complete a written test to obtain a permit. Once they have a permit, it is required to compete supervised driving hours with someone that has driving experience. Finally, a road test is the last step that has passed in order to obtain a license successfully. All of the knowledge from written test and driving practice must be used to pass the road test. The knowledge from previous experiences and tests is relied on and associated with in order to complete the task successfully. Without it, the task would not be completed.

Review Question

How are we using intertextuality every day?

Intertextuality in Technology

I remember my older siblings getting their first phone. It was a slide phone with actual buttons as a keyboard. The main screen was digital, but all of the buttons were not. Then, the iPhone started to become really popular. I vaguely remember my brothers getting one, but I do remember playing games on their phones. That was my first introduction to technology like that. Then, as I got older, the middle school I attended provided the students with their own computers. This is where I really learned how to navigate and understand how to work a computer. By the time I got my first phone, I was an expert in apple devices and could use them like I’ve always known how. When I got my first computer, I was able to navigate it and get it to work without having to ask for help. The more you use your computer, the more information you gain about technology. I connected all of the information I learned and used it to create my own profiles and customize my computer to my liking. Once I had the basic knowledge of how to work a computer and familiarize myself with Google, I was able to look through Google Drive and become more advanced when it came to academic work. Once I really mastered google drive, I was able to take what I learned and utilize it to attempt to learn other platforms. You may wonder why I am telling you all of this information. All of this is a broad example of intertextuality in technology. Using different platforms to gain knowledge in other areas creates more overall knowledge in technology. Without the basic knowledge in technology, more complex things would not be possible. An example of intertextuality that a lot of us are familiar with is memes. The use of technology makes opportunities for memes to connect with a lot more people. Memes are only able to be understood if the context and the photo are familiar and relatable.

Review Question

How are memes an example of intertextuality?

A World Without Intertextuality

What would humans look like if we skipped elementary school and went right to middle school? Or if we skipped high school and went right to college? Or what if everyone was given a cell phone and was expected to figure out how to call someone. Without prior knowledge, the task would be impossible. Just like going to middle school without attending elementary school. Everything we learn in previous grades is essential for the next grade. What if we look more deeply into this idea? How are we able to do anything without prior knowledge? From walking, to writing, and even eating, we have all been taught how to do things. We first learn how to swim before we dive into the water. Then, once we’re in the water, we remember how to swim to keep us afloat. Keeping that in mind, what would a world without intertextuality look like? Could there be such a thing?

Review Question

What kind of simple tasks is intertextuality used for?

Discussion Questions

  1. How have you used intertextuality in your life? How?
  2. What are some things that intertextuality is necessary for? How?
  3. Are tasks able to be completed without using intertextuality? How?


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